Local development, poverty reduction and improved inclusion of vulnerable groups

The Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEF) provides funds provided by the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Iceland and the Principality of Liechtenstein aimed at reducing economic and social disparities in the EEA and strengthening bilateral relations between donor and beneficiary countries. During the program period 2014-2021, Bulgaria will receive over 210 million euros to support projects in the field of social and territorial development and cohesion.


One of the programs that will be financed during this programming period is the "Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Improved Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups" Program, with a total budget of 41,764,706 euros.


The program operator of this program is the Ministry of Education and Science.


In program management, its Program Partner from the donor countries is the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS), and its international partner organization is the Council of Europe (CoE).


The main objective of the program "Local development, poverty reduction and improved inclusion of vulnerable groups" is to strengthen economic and social cohesion, ensure a systematic approach in local development and poverty reduction through integrated measures in the field of education, employment and health care .


To achieve this goal, the funds of the program will support projects in three main directions:


"Increased social and economic development of disadvantaged municipalities" (Outcome 1):


Redefined project 1 "Growth through activation of local potential (GALOP)" with executor National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria in partnership with the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS). The total budget of the project is €1,200,000.

Redefined project 2 "Innovative models of care in the community for people with chronic diseases and permanent disabilities" with the contractor "Bulgarian Red Cross", in partnership with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Ministry of Health and the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS ). The total project budget is €3,333,333.

Redefined project 3 "Rehabilitation center for children with oncohematological diseases" with the contractor Kostinbrod municipality. The total project budget is €625,822.

Redefined project 4 "Health for all" with the Ministry of Health as an executor and the National Network of Health Mediators as a partner. The total project budget is €1,109,718

Small grant scheme "Creating jobs" with a total funding amount of €4,000,000. Through the implementation of this scheme, it is envisaged to support local development by supporting innovative approaches to strengthen economic activities and create jobs in the target areas.

Limited Call for Project Proposals "Local Development and Extension of Existing Youth Centers" with a total funding amount of €4,000,000. The invitation will be addressed to the four youth centers (in Stara Zagora, Plovdiv, Dobrich and Vratsa), created under the "Children and Youth at Risk" program, supported by the Financial Mechanism of the EEA in the period 2009-2014.

"Improved social inclusion of children and youth" (Outcome 2):


Redefined project 5 "Building capacity for educational and social inclusion" with the executor the Center for Educational Integration of Children and Students from Ethnic Minorities (TSOIDUEM) in partnership with Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". The total project budget is €487,628.

Call for project proposals "Early childhood education and care" with a budget of €6,029,412.

Call for call for project proposals "Construction of new youth centers" with a budget of €8,000,000.

"Improved Roma inclusion" (Outcome 3):


Redefined project 6 "Innovative approaches in data processing for populations at risk of violence and rights violations" with executor National Statistical Institute with partner European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). The total budget is €1,000,000.

Call for project proposals "Integrated measures for the inclusion and empowerment of Roma" with a total budget of €8,000,000, which will support integrated projects to improve access to education, employment, social and health care and services.