Training for youth workers and educational mediators was held at YC Vratsa

07/11/2022 ❘ 10:18

In the period June 7-10, 2022, a four-day basic training for youth workers and Roma educational mediators was held in the building of the Youth Center - Vratsa. 25 participants took part in the training - youth workers and Roma educational mediators from the youth centers in Vratsa, Dobrich, Montana and Gabrovo. The training took place according to the updated training framework "Training of youth workers", developed by a team of university teachers, consisting of Prof. Dr. Silvia Nikolaeva, Prof. Dr. Monika Bogdanova, Assoc. Dr. Silvia Varbanova, Ch. assistant Dr. Konstantin Teodosiev and Dr. Tsvetelina Radenkova, on Training Module "Prevention and Protection from Forms of Discrimination", Training Module "Monitoring and Actions Against Hate Speech, Anti-Gypsyism and Disinformation in Social Networks", as well as an expert on the implementation of Council of Europe standards in the field of youth activities Alexandra Raykova. According to the developed educational framework, the following 16 topics were presented in the basic training module: "Social dimensions of discrimination", "Introduction to the legal framework of protection against discrimination", "Proceedings for protection against discrimination - administrative and judicial", "Anti-gypsyism, speech of hate speech, disinformation", "How to fill out a protocol for content with hate speech on social networks?", "How to report (report) to social networks about content with hate speech?", "Registering a submitted report in a database data", "Young people and their value choices", "Official policies and messages to young people", "Youth workers as vanguard of social development and integration of young people", "Different young. Social integration and disintegration as a global challenge", "Culture of poverty. Why do many of the poor remain poor?', 'Youth and the challenges of faith', 'Globalisation, religion and cultural differences', 'Youth entrepreneurship and employment against social exclusion and discrimination' and 'Personal and career planning - the intersections between 'am' and "can" - "want" - "must". In the training, the topics "Youth participation - challenges and opportunities" and "Inclusion of disadvantaged youth in the activities of youth centers" were also presented by Mrs. Alexandra Raykova, who introduced the participants to the standards of the Council of Europe in working with youth. The training took place within the framework of Activity 5.1 "Training of youth workers" under project BGLD-2.002-0001 "Building capacity for educational and social inclusion", financed under the Program "Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups" of The financial mechanism of the EEA 2014 - 2021. In the period June 14-17, 2022, in the Youth Center-Plovdiv, within the framework of Activity 5.1 "Training of youth workers", training of youth workers and Roma educational mediators from the youth centers in Plovdiv, Pernik, Stara Zagora and Burgas. Additional information about all upcoming trainings will be published on the TSOIDUEM website.